What Is The Insurance Roulette Betting Strategy


You may have heard some people talking about insurance in a roulette online game. These are extra bets where you dont necessarily bet the whole bankroll but make sure that you got most of the betting zone covered. This may be part of a generic strategy that you decided to use of it could be something that you added. curso creacion de paginas web . By getting an insurance bet, the numbers where you will lose is decrease in number.

How to play the insurance strategy in roulette

This betting style is newer compared to betting systems that existed in the past that are still used today like the Martingale and the Fibonacci betting strategies. The first thing that you need to do is to pick a dozen to bet; 1-12 or 24-36. By betting on a dozen numbers, you have 33% of the wheel on your side. The insurance part comes in when you make a second bet that is twice as large as the initial bet on half of the betting zone. If you chose the 1st dozen you should bet on the lower half which is 1-18 otherwise bet on 19-36. The overall picture is two overlapping bets.

For the example, a $25 bet on the 3rd dozen means that you should bet $50 on the upper half of the numbers in the wheel. Lets say you chose the 3rd dozen and the upper half to bet on, which means you bet 25 dollars on 24-36 and 50 dollars on 19-36, if the ball lands on any number from 24-36, you win on both bets and get 100 dollars profit from the example bets. If the ball lands on the number where you have the bet that does not overlap, you get a smaller prize but you still get a profit.

If you dont win, you need to double the bet size on the next bet. So if we lose in our example, we must increase the bet to 50 on the dozens bet and 100 on the insurance bet. This is similar to the other progressive betting strategies like the Martingale system. Tap here to discover more about internet casino roulette.

This is a great strategy because instead of a 1 out of 37 chance of winning if you bet on one number, you have an 18 out of 37 chance to win in your insurance bet and 12 out of 37 chance to win on both your dozen bet and your insurance bet. Practice with the strategy first on roulette online before playing major sessions.

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