Facts To Help Answer The Question: Should I Buy A Used Saddle?

A savvy rider looking for a used saddle can certainly save a few dollars or may be able to afford a higher quality maker or model. In either case, like buying anything pre-owned, it is important to know how to judge quality. If thinking, Should I buy a used saddle?, here are some important things to consider.

As mentioned, don’t be that concerned with age. One that is older but has been well-maintained can be in better shape than a newer used one. One can often find maker’s marks or serial numbers to determine the age if the seller is unsure. Look under the skirt or jockey seat or behind the cantle. Most makers have a website to check codes.

Overall appearance is the first thing to consider. If the outside looks clean and well-cared for, it is usually a good sign. translation . Look closely for cracks and signs the leather is failing. If the leather is dry it can be conditioned back to life, but damage requires repair. Check the billets as these get regular use. Look for ripped holes or frayed edge-lacing. Billets can be replaced but it is a $100 or more repair. Consider this in the final price.

The seat obviously gets a lot of wear, so that must be checked closely too. Any splits or signs of splitting (look closely) means another repair. Also check the under panels for wear. These can be restuffed but it means another repair. These things can be expensive so before you purchase, check with a saddlery to get a ballpark price. It is important to provide as much info on the brand and model to the repair shop to get an accurate estimate.

The tree provides the inner structure. If these are broken or damaged the whole thing must be taken apart for replacement. To check for soundness, grab the pommel and cantle while pushing the seat firmly across one’s thigh. Some flex is fine but if there is an obvious buckle or signs of a broken piece it is important to get repaired as this affects the fit and can be uncomfortable for the horse.

If all looks good, the final consideration is fit. No deal is worth considering if it will be uncomfortable for horse and rider. If unfamiliar with saddle-fitting be sure to get expert advice. One mustn’t fully commit to purchase without checking fit on one’s mount first. It is the important that the seller understand and allow for return if the fit is incorrect.

One can save a good deal of money or upgrade to a better maker by going the used route. But make sure one does a complete check and knows the cost of repair and replacement. To answer the question, Should I buy a used saddle?, requires one to be knowledgeable about the product.

If you need more help on the topic of saddle for sale you should take a look at our site. It has a lot of pertinent content together with a tremendous selection of merchandise like western saddles for sale. Take the time to browse at http://www.usedsaddlesforsale.net.

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